The Opposite Is True

After practicing to a restorative and pranayama class recording by Pixie Lillas, I read this from The Creative Act: A Way of Being, #RickRubin …. and know I’m on the right path.
Iyengar Yoga #northperthyogaroom, give it a try.

Think of a rule as an imbalance.

Darkness and light are only meaningful in relation to each other.
Without one, the other wouldn’t exist.

Examine your methods and consider what the opposite would be?
What would balance the scales? ….

Only by experimenting with balance
do you discover
where you are on the seasaw.

Once you identify your position,

you can move to the opposite side to find balance,
or you can go out along the limb you’re on, creating more leverage


Why am I here?


Wildlife Wins!